りせ「春色制服」 |
ディーラー |
: Littlewonder WARD☆ROBE |
正規適合 |
: DD |
ウィッグ |
: ツインテール 〔 SEN 〕 |
ワンピース |
: タップスアン 〔 Legenddoll 〕 |
トップス |
: 春色制服 〔 Little 〕 |
ボトムス |
: 春色プリーツスカート 〔 Little 〕 |
インナー |
: しましまショーツ 〔 Volks 〕 |
アウター |
: ー 〔 ー 〕 |
シューズ |
: 紐靴 〔 SEN 〕 |
アクセサリー |
: アンクルソックス 〔 Little 〕 |
: ー 〔 ー 〕 |
: ー 〔 ー 〕 |
撮影日 |
: 2021 年 3 月 15 日 |
ほとんどの子が 2018 年でお着換えが止まってしまっていましたが、徐々に再開です。
I let Rise change her clothes.
Almost all daughters of mine have not been changing
their clothes after 2018, but are now resumed.
She wears a new school uniform with a ribbon on the back
made by Littlewonder WARD☆ROBE, which is really suitable
to Rise's slender body.

"Hi, I'm Rise."

"Long time no see."

"Has everyone been fine since we met last time?"

"I've been fine."

"I've not changed my clothes since 2018 until just now."

"My father has just let me wear new clothes after two

"Time always goes faster than we expected...,"

"It is already in the middle of March this year."

"I feel March began a just while ago."

"It is natural that my father gets older and older rather

"While, we will never get older forever, lol."

"By the way...,"

"My father has been reading a horror novels recently."

"I heard that...,"

"The book is telling about 'Cosmic Horror'."

"But he doesn't like something horror."

"Does everyone have favorite books or writers?"

"Words or languages are somehow mysterious to understand, I

"Thank you for visiting me today. I'm looking forward to
seeing you again soon."