りせ「セーラー服」 |
ディーラー |
: Littlewonder
正規適合 |
: DD / DDS |
ウィッグ |
: ツインテール 〔 SEN 〕 |
ワンピース |
: ー 〔 ー 〕 |
トップス |
: セーラー服 〔 Little 〕 |
ボトムス |
: プリーツスカート 〔 Little 〕 |
インナー |
: ショーツ 〔 CoolCat 〕 |
アウター |
: ー 〔 ー 〕 |
シューズ |
: ローファー 〔 SEN〕 |
アクセサリー |
: ー 〔 ー 〕 |
: ー 〔 ー 〕 |
撮影日 |
: 2018 年 3 月 23 日 |
I was very surprised at the sudden return back of
winter, but it is going to get warmer this weekend.
When I hear the weather forecast say that cherry
blossoms will be in full bloom soon, I feel the arrival
of spring. April is the season when the new term starts
in Japan, so let's start to wear school uniforms!

"Hello, I'm Rise."

"I'm looking forward to the arrival of spring!"

"In spring it is to get warmer..."

",which excites me."

"I want to go out on a picnic to see cherry blossoms in full

"with delicious lunch."

"Oh, I say such a thing every year, I think."

"This year..."

"Might it come true?"

"Let's go to see tiny pink cherry blossoms!"


"It is certain that this is pink, but it is not a cherry
blossom, you know!"
(*When she says "you", it means the administrator of this

"Skirt lifting is prohibited!"

"Have you gotten it?"

"Anyway, I'm looking forward to seeing everyone again."

「またね~ (*'∀'*)ノシ」
"See you next time."