
"I've changed my dress again."

"And I'm wearing a school uniform again."

"This school uniform is also cute."

"School uniforms made by Littlewonder WARD☆ROBE are master

"It is still middle of April, but..."

"It has been warm as if it were already in Early summer, for
this couple of days."


"I don't show my navel because of this heat."

"I'm really embarrassed."

"By the way...,"

today, my father used a former set of light systems, but

"He has difficulty in taking pictures better."

"Taking pictures well is not so easy."

"I want him to practice much more ...,"

"And I want him to take more beautiful pictures much more."

"I like to change my clothes and to be taken pictures very

"It will be the time of the sunset today."

"I hope you will have a wonderful evening and night."

"Thank you so much for coming to see me. Wahoo!"