詩帆「学生服」 |
ディーラー |
: littlewonderWARD☆ROBE 他 |
正規適合 |
: DD M / L |
ウィッグ |
: ポニーテール 〔 SEN 〕 |
ワンピース |
: ー 〔 ー 〕 |
トップス |
: ブラウス 〔 Little 〕 |
ボトムス |
: プリーツスカート 〔 Little 〕 |
インナー |
: ショーツ 〔 Volks 〕 |
アウター |
: ー 〔 ー 〕 |
シューズ |
: ローファー 〔 SEN 〕 |
アクセサリー |
: ルーズソックス 〔 Little 〕 |
: ネックレス 〔 Angell Studio 〕 |
: ー 〔 ー 〕 |
撮影日 |
: 2018 年 3 月 31 日 |
: 2018 年 3 月 31 日 Refined |
This is Shiho's turn. I let her wear a school uniform.
She had two pigtails hair for a long time, but this time, she
has a ponytail hair. She looks very cute!


"I'm Shiho. I'm glad to see

"After a long story..."

"April will come tomorrow."

"And then, when it comes to my dad,..."

"he has been spending aimless

"as usual."

"But, without learning from any

"he lifts my skirt, day in and day
(*When she says "he", it means the
administrator of this website.)

"He is a troubling man..."

"whom we can't control."

"Today, he had a phone call from
one of his former classmates in elementary school..."

"and according to the classmat's

"they have a plan to dig up the
'Time Capsule' they buried at their school..."

"when they were elementary school
students around 25 years ago."

"I hope that there isn't a pair of
panties in the Capsule."

"After all, my dad tried to buy
canned goods which contained a pair of panties..."

"as souvenirs at the school trip."

"So, I can't deny the possibility
of there being panties in the Capsul."

"That's why I'm worrying about
that as his daughter."

"Good grief!"