Lingerie Show 2018」 |
ディーラー |
: Tc Doll |
正規適合 |
: DD / M |
ウィッグ |
: セミロング 〔 Dolk 〕 |
ワンピース |
: ー 〔 ー 〕 |
トップス |
: スカート付ビスチェ 〔 Tc Doll 〕 |
ボトムス |
: ー 〔 ー 〕 |
インナー |
: ショーツ 〔 Tc Doll 〕 |
アウター |
: ー 〔 ー 〕 |
シューズ |
シューズ 〔 Dolk 〕 |
アクセサリー |
: タイツ 〔 Tc Doll 〕 |
: 花のネックレス 〔 アトリエイクコ 〕 |
: ブレスレット 〔 ー 〕 |
撮影日 |
: 2018 年 5 月 3 日 |
それにしても、Dolk さんのウィッグは品質というか、毛質が大変よく、とても使いやすいと思います。
It is the first time for Mari to appear at the Lingerie
I have been finding the wig which is fits her, and It is
very good for her, I think.
By the way, the quality of the wig made by Dolk is
excellent. They are very easy to treat.


"I'm Mari."

"It's the first appearance at the
Lingerie Show for me..."

"so I'm very embarrassed."

"By the way, it's the latter half
of the holidays in May from today."

"In my home,..."

"Some girls change their clothes."

"I also change my clothes..."

"once more."

"Next time, I'll wear a school

"When it comes to the latter half
of the holidays, there will be an event of dolls tomorrow."

"We can't join it..."

"but I hope to go and join the
events some day."

"I hear that shrimp with
mayonnaise at another party after the event is very

"So, if I have a opportunity to
join it,..."

"I will try it!"

"I'm looking forward to do that."